How Charterers Can Keep Up with the Changing CII Rules


IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating system has introduced many rules and responsibilities on charterers.

While the aim is to keep ship emissions in check for the decarbonization goals of 2050, there are still many grey zones in the entire process.

SmartShip©️Hub’s Voyage Performance Platform leverages high frequency data as well as noon data and provides intelligent route options, weather routing as well as continuous tracking of metrics.
The digital platform uses ML models to provide effective routes that keeps CII rating in check, CII rating advisory, predict ETA and provide “Dollar per nautical mile” KPI.
In addition to weather routing the platform also provides 24/7 advisory and support for optimizing voyage performance vis-a-vis CII, ETA, fuel.

Smart Ship Hub is helping charterers, Owners in embracing the new clauses and mapping new ways of cooperation.

Challenges faced by charterers to continuously measure energy efficiency, manage vessel operations, and dynamically report the CII impact is addressed in a simple and easy to use Smart Ship Hub platform.

Book a slot with our “experts on call” and get an immersive experience on the digital platform. Real time updates, accurate assessment of energy consumption, performance advisory and improvement measures, built into Smart ship Hub platform for charterers.

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