How Smart Ship Hub Can Effectively Assist the Offshore Wind Industry?

For offshore wind energy production, it is essential to improve the capabilities of semi-submersible heavy transport vessels (SSHTV) for the specialized handling of enormous wind turbines.

The heavy-lift ships must securely dock and move their large load of turbine towers, nacelles, blades, and generators in addition to transporting it.

The primary issue for the ships is to maintain stability and demonstrate dependability even in environments with high wave heights.

Onshore analytics and onboard management are seamlessly connected by smart shipping systems.

The SSHTV’s digitalization ensures that complicated transportation is safely handled with the best possible course, speed, and fuel consumption, as well as with the least amount of danger of hazards to arrive on time.

For remote vessel/fleet and fuel management, SmartShipHub offers a single, integrated platform with guaranteed operational efficiency, boosting owner and operator revenues.

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